
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

Many thanks to everyone who volunteers their precious time to protect innocent people.
Much appreciated!

In principle I agree with your advice, and let's all keep a cool head.
But everyone who considers to give hundreds of dollars or euros to Angel D. should pause and reflect very very carefully indeed.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Very simple. Let someone test the board. Doesn't even have to be perfect. I just don't know why some people think that's too much to ask. Dude literally posted a video showing him using the board. If it is real, someone else can verify it, no?
The videos do look really convincing.

So unless you researches all the lichess/chesscom findings carefully, it's very easy to believe those are legit.
And most people don't bother to read all that.

Because now the main reasons to think that it's all fake actually come not from the videos, but from other facts (fake team photos, poor communication with other companies, technical questions).
(For the video, actually what happened is Thibault requested a video from a handheld camera, and they were able to provide so!)
Is this an elaborate trolling?
Are you adapting the behavioral patterns of the sockpupet accounts intentionally?

Not that this is important though.
There is this poor Angel guy somewhere there and he will probably need serious mental health help in the next few days.
This is what concerns me now.
@N78_Training Your advice is something I try to go by. However, there are so many giant red flags in this case that I have no qualms about accusing Mr. Delgado of a scam. To name just a few:

- editing of videos
- including super fake testimonials
- sending sketchy cease and desist letters
- inventing the entire team
- never responding to invitation requests by lichess, or chess24
- using at least one sock puppet account to mislead this forum (as confirmed by thibault)
- spamming his own kickstarter comment page to drown out his accusers

None of this is the behaviour of an honest actor. This is as obvious of a scam as it gets.

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