
A new logo for Lichess

Le style dépouillé de ce cavalier est splendide, votre dessinateur vous a proposé un vrai beau logo. Bravo !
Il regarde à droite, c'est mieux que l'ancien qui était tourné vers le passé.
Ce logo sera envié pas seulement par les autres sites sur Internet, mais aussi par les clubs d'échecs ou même les revues. Mind !
I find it interesting that you regard left facing as looking into the past and right facing to the future. It is not a concept I had thought of before but is quite reasonable I suppose.
I note, in passing, that often communist propaganda pictures of stalwart workers (both Russian and Chinese) look to the left from the point of view of the observer, but to the right from the point of view of the person or persons depicted.

Je trouve intéressant que vous considériez le côté gauche comme regardant vers le passé et le côté droit vers l'avenir. Ce n'est pas un concept auquel j'avais pensé auparavant, mais c'est tout à fait raisonnable, je suppose.
Je note, en passant, que souvent des images de propagande communiste de fidèles travailleurs (russes et chinois) regardent à gauche du point de vue de l'observateur, mais à droite du point de vue de la personne ou des personnes représentées.
Ce n'est pas seulement moi qui regarde le côté gauche = passé, et côté droit = avenir, c'est une des bases de la graphologie. Lorsque je suivais les cours de cette intéressante discipline, les professeurs insistaient sur le fait que cette symbolique n'est valable que pour l'occident. Donc pas pour la Russie soviétique, et encore moins pour la Chine.
Cette base de toute étude d'une écriture occidentale s'appelle "la rose des vents". Écriture tirée vers le haut, c'est vers la pensée et aussi l'orgueil. Louis XIV signait avec des lettres étirée en hauteur. Écriture tirée vers le bas, esprit pragmatique jusqu'à avidité. Tout dépend de l'harmonie générale de l'écriture. Et une écriture très dilatée vers la droite, c'est un caractère beaucoup plus expansif que celui qui comprime son graphisme vers la gauche.
Toute la culture occidentale est imprégnée de cette symbolique. Le paradis est en haut, l'enfer est en bas. Un invité de marque est à droite. En français, dire de quelqu'un qu'il est 'gauche' (= maladroit), c'est l'inverse que de flatter quelqu'un en lui disant qu'il est 'adroit'. En vieux français, 'senestre' signifie gauche, et c'est devenu la racine étymologique de 'sinistre', mot très négatif. Alors que 'dextre', à donné 'dextérité', qui est un compliment.
Encore bravo pour votre logo, tout en simplicité, rondeur, sourire, douceur.
Je vous donne ma bénédiction graphologique ! ;-)
Nice jobs! Lovely the new logo and nice pieces designs.
@chessspy1 #206
"design is a thing with which most people are not conversant with and in all likely hood any few offerings which might arise out of such a general quest would for the most part be of no value."
Your point would carry some weight if we were talking about a formal piece of art like the Mona Lisa, or some oil painting hanging in a museum. This is not what logos are. One category for example, which is common and often very effective is simply some play with stylized lettering. We are talking about a concept that is at its heart so very simple and minimalistic that anyone, literally ANYONE, I don't care what you say, has some chance to stumble upon a good idea. Who of us hasn't doodled at some point in our lives? And since chess is a cross segment of society as a whole there are going to be many many people in the Lichess community that actually have highly tuned artistic skills, not to mention professionals some specifically in the field of graphic design.
And even if this false premise was true, and no one except those who get paid to do logos could do a logo, by not putting this out to the community you deprived everyone of what could have been an enjoyable experience in just the trying. And omg, it would have been really really really fun to have seen what people would have come up with. And it would have been a great way to foster community spirit. Golden opportunity missed.

"there is nothing stopping anyone sending in their artistic efforts."
Ummmm? how about the fact that the logo was already chosen? I really don't see too many people out there wanting to put their time and effort into something when they've already been snubbed and that has zero chance of being accepted.
Guys, please appreciate how much dev work it takes to implement these logos, much less create them...
" I don't care what you say," When someone says this to me in a discussion, I start to wonder if his (or her) mind is closed to realistic ideas.
I have an open mind, but not so open that my brain falls out.
Saying that only the ideas of a handful of elites could possibly have any value and totally discounting the creativity of everyone else for a simple thing like a logo to me is flat earth level crazy. So yea, you'd have a hard time convincing me on that one.
Seems like a bit of a dodge to just pick one tiny phrase out of a long sincere comment in order to blow it all off.
This concerns the Maestro pieces:

The current version of the pawns (as of this comment date) is inferior to the previous one. You removed the platform on the bottom, which was a feature not a flaw; also, the Black pawn is slightly taller & narrower than the White one, now. Cf.: vs. They don't even match!

I hope you fix these pawns, soon. Simply reverting to the previous version would be an ideal fix, IMHO, as there was nothing wrong with it (save maybe that the bottom platform could have used a hint of shadow; likewise perhaps add a sliver of shadow on the inside of the knight's neck, behind his jaw). As it is, you've taken something very good and ruined it. From Staunton pawns to Hershey's Kisses -- it's as if a little kid doodled on your masterpiece. ;( Detail was _removed,_ which is always ominous; and as if that weren't bad enough, the symmetry between White & Black was broken. . . .

Thankfully, I have an offline copy. So if -- for some unfathomable reason -- you refuse to restore the pawns to their previous, objectively superior version, I will just have to create a UserStyle for the old one. :P Don't think I won't.

Finally, a word of advice: stop trying to re-draw this particular set. You already got it right several versions back. (I've been using them daily, and have noticed each change you've made. The last couple tweaks were unnecessary, but acceptable; this latest one, however, is actually a downgrade.) If you are going to make such radical changes, why not just make a whole new set? Have two different Maestros, one with Staunton pawns and one with Hershey's Kisses. Whatever, just don't mess with my beloved pieces anymore. Slight adjustments are one thing, but complete redrawings are quite another. And I think you are past the point where you can get away with doing that, and not bother more people than you please.

PS: I love these particular pieces; the way they were before was just about the best 2D chess set I had ever seen. So please don't take my criticism as a putdown, but rather a lover's quarrel. <3 You do very fine work, and it is (usually) appreciated.
it's funny to see so many people saying : Oh! yes Boss, you have always very goods ideas....

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