
GM Andrew Tang Defends Humanity Against Leela Chess Zero

I think it's safe to say that Leela is too strong for humans now, and she will only become stronger in the months and years ahead. A new competition on lichess with engines playing each other would be fun tho. Maybe a match between Leela and Stockfish where Leela gets a slight advantage like one pawn less for SF or similar.
magnus play leela +!!!444

magnus is royal blood. King magnus was a king of Norway. Magnus is therefore a smart man so he plays good chess.
@6 +1

but he said he wont play engines but whatever he played the magnus app witch is an engine.
how can a 42-move game be drawn by the 50 move rule?
@jg2017 That's a mistake on my part. That game was drawn by threefold repetition. I have corrected it.

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