
Block Bullet non - rematchers.

I don't expect a rematch either way in rated games, especially longer ones.

But if it's 1 minute, UNRATED, no 'good game' and you don't rematch then you never get to play me again.

Are bullet players "so special" they are to be given an auto rematch?
I'm ok with that ultimatum rick... we never even have to play the first game if you don't want.
Blundering together creates a strong bond and should not be dismissed lightly.
I've observed the OP post games calling his opponents "idiots". What do you think Rick? Reason to block?
I agree with the OP.

There is a culture of no rematches in any time control here (and most likely other chess sites too).

No rematches takes away especially from the bullet because in bullet it is important to adjust to your opponents style and openings which takes a few games.

If you do not rematch in bullet and don't end your session there, I say you are a pussy. Deal with it.

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