
Black plays 11 consecutive moves, without reply from White, after which White mates in one! HOW?

Found it! Take the black square bishop and circle clockwise around the white king to f4 which is now no longer in check. e3 is checkmate in one.
@guillage said in #11:
> Found it! Take the black square bishop and circle clockwise around the white king to f4 which is now no longer in check. e3 is checkmate in one.

Wow! I thought it was impossible but if you think harder, you have to go back to e8 then to f8, g8, h7, h6 etc
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@HyperBullets11 said in #12:
> Wow! I thought it was impossible but if you think harder, you have to go back to e8 then to f8, g8, h7, h6 etc
right, that's what he said. you use 2 moves to take the bishop, the 9 more to circle back around the king clockwise to f4. it's so funny how obvious it looks once you know the solution. i thought about taking the bishop but got sidetracked with other variations lol

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