
Bishop vs Knight - Which one do you prefer?

the stronger a player is, the more likely they are to prefer the bishop.

explains why so many people here like knights.

noobs lol
Most people here play blitz/bullet.
Knights in the centre can be powerful. Here Boris Gelfand becomes completely demolished by 2 knights against his 2 bishops. He managed to exchange one but it didn't help.

"Bishop vs Knight - Which one do you prefer?"

It depends on the position. If a knight finds a home deep in enemy territory that is a powerful knight.

In the endgame when the material is equal and when there are pawns on both sides of the board then 2 bishops should defeat a bishop & knight. I have won many games like this.

The bishops have the advantage in this endgame because they can get to the other side of the board in one move. However the knights are always dangerous. I use pawns to restrict the mobility of the knights.

When my opponent trades a bishop for my knight that's usually a good thing for me.
Concerning blitz/bullet ->

It it said that the knight gain more value in blitz/bullet. Your opponent is less able to keep track of the knight's movement possibilties.

Knights have the advantage in blitz play, as long as you can use them to their potental quickly

it's easier not to blunder when your opponent has a bishop.

By experience, I have lost many games and draw winning positions being low on time and blundering a fork to a knight, and also spent a few extra seconds on the clock due to an unexpected check and ended up losing on time.

I think it's hard to estimate how often players fall for fork tricks by Knights due to time trouble.

Some people estimates the knight to be worth about 4.00 pawns in time trouble, whereas the bishop remain at it's initial base value. That is because the bishop is more easily to predict.

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