
Bird's Opening - Sound or Folly?

I've read that Bird's Opening is solid and strong against below 1800. Then I've read that people chuckle and point their finger in distain if you mention it.
What say ye?
Any 2000+ players care to comment?
It is solid and strong above 2800. Dutch Defence is solid and strong and Bird Opening is reverse Dutch.
1. f4 e5
What is White to do?
Ah, he says ... man up !
2. fxe5 d6
3. exd6 Bxd6

Oops says White. What am I in for?

A 2000 player saying Bird is fine, just analyze e5 lines, they can get tactical but White cannot be worse. Nevertheless, I still play e5 ;)
Yeah, I guess that's why Bobby beat Larsen when Larsen ran the Bird on him.
So if anyone tries to run the Bird on me, I'll reply with the From and hope for a quick mate.
Thanks all.
One of my favourite openings to play against and one of the only ones where you can hope to smash White in 15 moves. I'm sure that a 2800 player can maintain equality for White with effort but is that all you hope for in an opening?

From my observations, people who play 1.f4 regularly don't like learning openings. Therefore they play the opening about as well as you'd expect.
I suppose I should add that you do not reply 1...d5 as that gives White what he wants. You should play 1...e5.

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