
Antichess Variant Solved

See some of the details at my new Study:

Feel free to share your feedback and ask any questions here! I am not a strong Antichess player, but one of the specialists in this variant (or Stockfish) may be able to help you.
@Craze Thanks! However you said that it seems all moves other than 1.e3 are losing. What about moves like 1.c4 and 1.g3? I feel that it's likely these may be draws.
There are still plenty of viable openings white can play besides e3. popular ones are g3, c5, Nh3, a5. They all lead to live games. Even losing openings are played to much success (f4). The game is only solved for watkins bot (and only if it has white), and not humans.

Antichess has been solved for a while now, Watkins crunched it out some time ago, and everything in "your" study is just copied from his paper -

Watkins intent was to find a forced win for white, and he did so. He didn't explore other openings, and admits to not being familiar with them.

It is nice to have these parts posted, it is more interactive than reading a report on the matter, just give credit where it is due.

I miss having named openings/defenses for the game, that time hasn't been around for a while.

is it not for solving antichess? maybe I am confused because of the title of the forum post.

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