
3...Nd4 in Ruy Lopez

I looked at third move responses of black against Ruy Lopez, and against all variations except 3...Nd4, white has some lines in which I'm not comfortable with black.

However, I can not find any sources to study it. Does anyone know some sources which I can study 3...Nd4 in depth?

(Also, tpr can not post any Carlsen games with this, Carlsen played this once and lost.)
@savagechess2k i usually just take the knight (stock fish agrees) and then continue developing normal with 0-0 after the takeback
What about a Morozevich game

This odd line has been played in correspondence games.
Nah it's really not that good. I would say you should try to work on a6 or g6 instead.
I played 4.Bc4 once which is a bit better for White. 4. Nxd4 is best I think but hardly decisive. +=, play on.

(It‘s like 3. ... Nd4 4.Bxd4 in the Rossolimo, += no more, no less.)
@Koustav123456 I am very uncomfortable against the Exchange line, and 3...g6 4.d4 exd4 5.Bg5 leaves black with a really weak kingside.

And everyone: I asked for resources
The exchange variation is no real problem at all for Black. He can pretty much equalize there.

3...g6 4.Bg5 is illegal...

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