
1.A4 Chess Opening Theory

Also known as the Ware opening 1.A4
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Although this opening is considered an outcast, this forum was created to collect opening theory on this opening. All theory will be conbinded into a study and when complete will be shared with the lichess curator. Also, if anyone has any name ideas for the opening.

h4 is an acceptable follow-up. In my experience the game goes as follows, and theory would support such an opening

You are proposing a double rook sacrifice for an aggressive center control?
I think the compensation you get for sacrificing 4 pawns is too weak, but I'll try it out
Essentially, after 1.a4 White plays as Black and doesn't have control over b4 square. In other words and since White usually tries to get some opening advantage, this isn't particularly good.
If black ignores the threat of this rook then things get ugly fast with some loose cannons running around the board.

Either way White is asking for loads of activity since A4 undeniably threatens an immediate rook move

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