
Won a piece, played poorly, and then lost. What went wrong?

Reply to #8 (@Topobanana):

What I was saying was that I didn't consider Nxe4 or Bxe4 during the game, but now that I look at it, I think I should have played it.


Reply to #9 (@lurarose):

g3 on moves 20 and 21 actually look pretty nice. I was too focused on preventing d5 during the game.

24.g3 just loses the knight, so I assume you meant 25.g3. I rejected that move because I thought my king might have been in danger.

I agree with your comments on moves 27 and 29.

For move 30, I probably thought that was the best way to activate my pieces. Looking at the computer lines, it seems like there are much better ways. And given how the game went, it seems like I underestimated the e3 pawn. (I thought it was easily blockadable with the king, but it turned out I had some trouble with the g2 pawn.)

I'm not entirely sure how I would proceed after I play Ne4 on move 35, 36, or 37.

On move 49, like I said previously, I didn't realize that I could draw by doing nothing. My mistakes starting from move 52 were due to severe time trouble.


Reply to #10 (@ujcn):

The reason I rejected 14.Na4 was that I thought black would eventually play c5, and my knight would be a bit off-side. And I thought black can immediately play d5 followed by c5 later, in order not to trade the light squared bishops. Looking at the computer line, though, after 14...d5 15.c4, white's pressure on d5 makes it hard for black to play c5.
What went wrong? You have got a rating of about 2200 and you don't know the move en passant!
Reply #11 @theme :
After moving c6-c5, the pawn d6 becomes weak. White creates pressure vertically "d", and the center of black loses mobility.

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