
Wish i were as good

These 2k rated players are ice cold killers with no mercy. Wish i were as good and could play flawless chess in 3+0 and only take few seconds per move to find the absolute best moves. I truly envy the guy!
Its just about playing solid chess. try develop with every move and control the center. Qd3 and h4 were both wasted and will become targets later.
You might have missed the point here, despite my flaws. ;)
When you see that much flowless game you must show this game to lichess developer , so that they can enjoy this game's beauty ... You know what I mean
I have no idea what that means, nor do I agree that it's flawless. It was a nice game.
Just curious, is that form to report the thread in this subforum or to request a deeper analysis? I did the latter, minute per move on 16 cores SF 11.

So what? I've played many flawless games before, even in bullet chess. I'm sure you have too. No one really cares.
@YM17 Yeah, nobody cares much about a 0, 0, 0. That just means you didn't swing the eval -0.5 on any move. It happens to all of us. 87% accuracy in a 3-minute game could happen if it was a quick mate out of the opening, but over 30 moves, it's highly improbable. A so what to 87% accuracy as compared to SF11 over 30 moves in 3 minutes with several tactical sequences, is a lot... Hikaru doesn't do that. Magnus doesn't do that.

I can't make any assertions beyond that. I haven't checked their other games, and I won't. I'm sure if there is something to be done, it will be and if not, so be it, fantastic game.

Edit: Never mind. Their account has already been flagged for computer assistance.
As TPP-Social said, 0,0,0 is pointless. Also, I would argue most of the time just looking at the centipawn loss/ accuracy of each move is pointless as well. Much more important to check for unhumen moves and also across multiple games. Even I have very few centipawn loss games over 30+ moves. This game for example is 0,0,0 with 9 centipawn loss.

So yeah flawless blitz and even bullet games are possible. Of course, they don't happen every game

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