
winning with the bongcloud

@rickrenegade cause i need to grind you down lol if you win multiple games in a row against me you will gain too much momentum xD
Starts with a theoretical bongcloud pawnstorm, which is known to be clearly winning for black......
@chess_king3 : Those aren't bongclouds.
In order for an opening to be a bongcloud, the king needs to move to e2 (as White) or e7 (as Black). the f2/f7 openings are known respectively as the Hammerschlag! and the Fried Fox Defense. They have completely different opening theory; for example, a Bongclouding player tends to want to use the King as an offensive weapon, while the Hammerschlag!ing king is used to support a wall of pawns. The Hammer! also is sharper and more theoretical than its e-file counterpart.
I just realized that 90% of this thread is Kf2/7 but using Bongcloud theory. As the world's leading hammerschlag theoretician, this sickens me.

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