
What are your thoughts on this game?

I was expecting a few mistakes and blunders from my side but was surprised after the analysis.
White failed to gain advantage after the questionable piece sacrifice on move 7 Bxf7

Also what do you think about 15 Bxf1 because he has Qxb7 hitting both my rook and knight.

I'm by no means an expert, but I'll share my opinion.
That piece sacrifice was close to good, if he does e5 (attacking your knight) before the sac I don't see a good option beside Ng8 since anywhere else he has those series of checks and will grab your knight with the queen.
After Bxf1 Qxb7, you want to defend both pieces. You can connect the rooks and defend the knight at the same time by moving your king up.
Would you like to play sometime?
Sacrificing those poor officer and the horse for nothing was the stupidest thing you' ve ever done in your life.

I suggest you to visit my topic, maybe you'll learn something and stop wasting your pieces here and there in the end.

You can also check my recent game against very strong player (my side was black)

StealYourQueen, thank you for your answer. But my comment was intended for that guy who sacrificed his pieces, not for you, of course :-)
@kovlov85 Oh how very thoughtful of you! Surely my opponent in that game will find this page one day and be thankful to you forever for your invaluable piece of advice.
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