
This should be a puzzle

Analyzed a game I just played, I would've never seen this solution. I obviously didn't play the best move in game, so Move 23 White to move...
There's a definite best move according to the engine and if black falls for it it's mate in 2.
Puzzles aren't about falling for things, it's about forced win of material/checkmate/ or some defensive idea
The solution is a forced win of material, black cannot recapture or it is forced checkmate. "Falling for it" was just poor wording for black choosing the worst option, but they dont really have a good response.
@Xanderpitz , in a puzzle, you win a piece, or two minors for a rook or a queen for a minor and rook , or something like that. I see no way to force that here.
Bxg7 best but white have a lot of good moves
some old lichess puzzles have 2,3 solutions or
says "not bad find better one "

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