
Question for more experienced players

So this game was in one of the first tournaments I played, 2 days ago. In this game, I played decently (missed tactics and missed opponent tactics) but as I analyzed the game, I noticed the only mistake Stockfish gave me was 5..Ne4. The appropriate Stockfish move was Ng4. I looked at the analysis of both positions, and Ne4 was -.1, whereas Ng4 was -1.3. Why the huge disparity between these two and what makes g4 a superior square for my Knight in this position? E4 lucked out and won me a Rook and Bishop, but I got lucky. Any help would be hugely appreciated!
Ng4 attacks the e-pawn. In the game, what would you have done after 6.Be3?
@RapidVariants, now that you mention it, that's painfully obvious. Thanks for the help!

@FredtheCrusher, honestly, I would have developed my Bishop to e6, then developed Nc6, then castle long. All dependent on the opponents threats of course. Thanks for the help

@ChessMathNerd, another painfully obvious benefit I missed. Seems I need to get better at analysing. Thanks for the help!
You spent only 1.04 seconds on ...Ne4.
@DthNcnt After 5...Ne4 6. Be3 Be6, notice that your knight doesn't have any retreat squares. This wasn't played in the game, but it was mentioned in the "what if" question. You not only have to look at the immediate move but the future plan and the harmony of the position.
That is all true, but he could not see that in 1.04 seconds. It is what happens if you play rapid chess at bullet speed.
I saw that in less than a second. If you train yourself, this could be possible.
That is true, but the original poster is not on that level. Anyway at any level it is wrong to play rapid at bullet speed.

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