
Positions Evaluation (Threats & Chances)

Dear Chess Fans;
Could you help me understanding this position:
from a lichess puzzles

as following: white to play

White Bishop on f5 is hanging
Black Knight on h2 has no safe squares and can be trapped if Rh1 .
so protecting the bishop first then attack the knight or what ?!

if white play Nd4 what should black play ?

Thanks in advance
Yes Nd4 is a good move. Black must probably take ...Rxf5 Nxf4 Ng4 to save his knight.
Black don't need to give up the exchange after Nd4... I think the knight can make an evacuation if you play h5... However black is still screwed eventually after the white rook goes to h1, and wrenches things open forcing the exchange in a few moves.

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