
Nimzo lersen bishops are killing

Terrible game, bad players, obvious tactics. You should practice more and post on forums less.
@ndudn Everyone has to start somewhere. And chess is not all tactics. Sometimes, people have misconceptions of what is good. Posting in forums can help with that. Practicing tactics definitely helps though.

As pointed out by the computer, 6.Nb5 isn't so great. Generally, unless you have some really concrete goal in mind, it's a better idea to develop most or all your minor pieces and castle before attacking. Furthermore, black already wants to play d5, since it takes control of the center, which is the most important part of the board. Basically, you're wasting two moves, while forcing black to gain an advantage.
Disagree with #2: it is decently played by white. White made some strategic mistakes, but seized the tactical opportunity 21 Nxd5 well.

Agree with #3: 6 Nb5 is not good. Better to develop a piece on its starting square than to play a second time with an already developed and centralised piece. 6 g3 is better so as to develop Bf1. Look what you accomplished with 6 Nb5, 7 Nd4, 8 Nxc6. You spent 3 moves and you could have traded 6 Nxc6 right away, i.e. you gave him 2 free moves. 6 Nxc6 or 8 Nxc6 are no good: you trade a central knight on d4 that has made 2 moves Ng1-f3xd4 for a not so central knight on c6 that has made 1 move Nb8-c6. If the knight had stayed put on d4 it would have saved you 3 moves.

I also dislike 4 d4. d4 is usually played to develop Bc1 and to control square e5, but here Bc1 is already developed and it already controls square e5. 4 e4 or 4 e3 or 4 g3 make more sense so as to develop Bf1 as well.
@savagechess2k I haven't played rapid, or even blitz, for a long time so that rating is dated. Now I'm even worse.

If OP wants a non-sarcastic response she should post a game he lost and provide her own thoughts on the game. As it is, the OP is fishing for compliments on a game he is proud of.
#6 Most games on this forum are won games and hence fishing for compliments on "beautiful" games the posters are proud of. The late psychiatrist dr. Reuben Fine went as far as call this a form of exhibitionism.

At the same time original poster invites suggestions for the future, so there is also intent to improve. Original poster showed tactical prowess, but also showed strategic room for improvement.
Yes thanks guys for suggestions. I would consider it! #2 so wrong i am a bad player? Hmm.. I wonder how my rating is higher than yours!

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