
Name for games like this? How do you break through?

@MrPushwood Yeah that's why I asked about turn 33 onwards. Before he trades his e4 knight off, I had little idea how to break through. Probably I'd be forced to try to push a4.

@mylittleb I definitely wouldn't want to take that en passant personally. His/her queen recaptures, and then I have to defend my rook, and worry about b4. S/he can also then double rooks on the b-file, and they already have bishop and king defending the f3-pawn.

@jomega I'll check out your study, thanks :D. I like 'cramped position'
A plan for your 33th move could be: Move the black king to c5, so you can free your rook. Put then anything you have on the f3 pawn.
If White mananges to defend this against the 4 attackers look out for any sacs that allows you to invade Whites position. Take your time, you can maneuvre the White Forces out probably cause they lack space.
I think this is a draw all day. I hate these positions with all due respect to Stienetse

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