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I intensely dislike the move 12 g4 on a gut instinct level. You get away with weakening your king like that because your attack is fast, but stockfish says you squander 3 points of your 5.6 point advantage by playing that. You won't get away with such weakening moves that often.
Donaldsen downvoted my comment. He seems to think chess is a democracy. I think we will trust in Stockfish, not in Donaldsen. You have no right to an opinion on this question. I remember FIDE Master Zibbit saying that on one of his streams :) And he was right. The viewer did not have anything like the chess knowledge necessary to form an opinion. It was actually an act of egotistical vainglory to advance his opinion.
@Aceno0b I did too, but instead of stockfish I think we should trust people like Donaldsen. I think
@ChessMathNerd knows not to weaken his king side, but he also knows that his attack is way too strong. 12.g4 either kicks of the bishop for an amazing attack, or is winning a pawn with correct play
So you think squandering 3 points of a 5.6 point advantage is a good way to proceed. I draw certain conclusions which the "must be polite" policy of this website prevents me from voicing.

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