
my best game ever!!

i think i played a very strong game...i just want some commentary from the community. what do you guys think? could i have played better?

Well you played good in my opinion. I think you shouldn't have captured the bishop on e3 (your 21...Bxe3) as you just undoubled White's pawns. Had your opponent took the bishop on c5, you could recapture with the D pawn and you would have huge grip on d4 and you would also open the D file so your rook would be more useful. Your opponent has made a lot of mistakes - trading pieces when he's down in material and opening the position, allowing his opponent to target the King. He made your job much easier. Still, considering your rating that's only 1404 I think you played somewhat above your elo (at least this game, not sure for the other ones, haven't seen them yet). You saw the opportunity and you had the initiative all the time. I believe there were stronger moves than the ones you made but I certainly don't think that the moves you played are bad. For example, White could take the knight on f4 (19. Bxf4) and after your 19...exf4 he could place the rook on the open e file and try to play the game somehow but it would still be hopeless as you would have an extra piece anyways. Great job! Keep playing this good and you will reach higher elo rating for sure!
P.S. White could prolong the game by playing 35. Ke5 but after g4 he would be down a rook and he would still lose.
6 ... Be6

1) It's your good bishop and his bad bishop, I don't like offering that trade. He should have taken it and doubled YOUR pawns. And,

2) Nxe4 is much stronger.

I do love the king chase at the end can run king but you can't hide! :-)
I don't think 21. ...Bxe3 was a bad move.
1) when piece up, trades are welcome in general;
2) undoubleing pawns are a bit useful in the specific position since white has only rooks, rooks play better in opened files and ranks, black still have the knight jumping everywhere;
3) 22. d4 would be annoying, white would undouble the c file anyway plus he would chase the stuck bishop.

I'd have played Bxe3 too. Nice game bro!

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