
How is this draw?

<Comment deleted by user>
The purpose of the game is to be the first player to move their king to the eighth row. When White moves their king to the eighth row, and Black, immediately on the next move, moves their king to the eighth rank, the game is declared a draw (this rule is to compensate for White's first-move advantage).
<Comment deleted by user>
This is draw since white and black came a move after each other. If black reached first and white can move ahead it won't be a draw.
*When White moves their king to the eighth row, and Black, immediately on the next move, moves their king to the eighth rank, the game is declared a draw (this rule is to compensate for White's first-move advantage).*

Taken from :
@VariantsPenguin said in #8:
> *When White moves their king to the eighth row, and Black, immediately on the next move, moves their king to the eighth rank, the game is declared a draw (this rule is to compensate for White's first-move advantage).*
> Taken from :
Yeah Bro

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