
How can a 1900+ player lose while being so many tempi ahead?

I don't get it, can someone explain? Does my strategy to just avoid making weaknesses make sense? And wait for opponent's mistakes
No, your strategy to just avoid making weaknesses does not make sense. You are essentially just waiting for your opponent to blunder. That will only take you so far in chess. White should have tried to: at a minimum create a weakness; or better yet, put together a mating attack. On move ten, white should have considered moving the white bishop or queen to coordinate with white's knight on black's f pawn. Mate in 1 is threatened. The other thing is, white never completed his development. Pushing pawns isn't enough to win games, also by move 10 white's black bishop and rook on the A file hadn't moved yet. White wasn't coordinating his pieces to create an attack. He only seemed focused on grabbing territory. With a 10 move lead, white should have had a well coordinated attack.
ya and also should have foscused for mating aidea and not blunder mates,
Losing 12 tempi is a mistake. White failed to prey on it. General consensus is that 3 tempi are worth a pawn and that is enough to lose a game.
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he s developing his pieces while attacking ... nothing. developing pieces just for the sake of developing pieces makes no sense. sandcastel is correct, f7 was very weak from 10. and hard to defend with nothing developed.

it can make sense if you develop your pieces and have some control on the center ( directly or not)

the way you do it is just suicide. your opponent had a winning position out of the opening. they won't always blunder the way he did.

though it's a fun game to watch
You trolled white super hard. You have to be commended for it. Even if that style is incredibly bad and will lose 99 out of 100 times. White should have never lost that game.

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