
Exemplary Games: Volkov vs Cori (Sitges, 2017)

I invite you to leave some comments about this exemplary game:

Sergey Volkov vs Jorge Cori, Sitges (43rd Sitges Open).

This is a really outstanding game! Here GM Jorge Cori established a good defensive position. I was wondering whether 7...Bg4 could be better or not. In that way the queen's bishop is developed to the kingside before it gets shut in by e7-e6.
Very good game! I like @Carlosfq2016 Idea of B g4 as well to get out of the pawn chain. . It seems black had a hard time getting it developed. A6 is my guilty pleasure as well as I usually play it to soon. I see the idea here and it serves serveral purposes though. It's hard to tell without pulling up stockfish which is best.
I am wondering if White can sac the N on 23 Nb6 + stageering the pawns.
its Ng6 but I don't think that works because there is a bishop to protect the pawn and white does not seem like he can break though
7...Bg4 or 7...e6 is a matter of taste. The bishop outside the pawn chain is more active, but it does not defend the queen's side as well. Note that in the game the bad bishop deals the final blow and delivers checkmate.
Indeed #9. The placement of the light squared bishop can be tricky in this opening.

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