
End game. Why in blacks favour so much?

Can anyone tell me why from move 22 the bar switches to blacks favour so much?

We are relatively even but I guess his bishop was stronger than my knight?

Can anyone also let me know what my general downfall was in this game that led to black winning besides the end game? Thanks all
well if you move your king that far back your done. Also, in the endgame, bishops are more valuable than knights, but in the beginning, I feel like knights are more valuable because you can do forks between pieces.

1) You lost momentum in the middlegame bcs of unnecessary captures and retreats with your knights. Knight manouvers should be done after everything is developed and the center is fixed and the knight not needed where it is. If you manouver your knight try to not do it by jumping back to the initial square.

2) The endgame is slightly better for black as:

- Black's king is much more active and also defending his pawn weaknesses
- Your knight is busy defending the second rank from the rook infiltrating
- Bishops are slightly stronger when there are pawns on both sides of the board
- Your pawns are currently under attack, black has the initative
- Your rook isn't as dangerous as black's one as he has no targets to attack

You don't need to worry that much about advantages of -1 in the endgame at your level. This can still end in a draw.
The start of your downfall was your failure to play 5 or 6 d4. You have given up the bishop's pair. You must play active to stay in the game. After 5 Nc3 c5 you get no chance to play d4 or 6...c5.
6...Bg4 is a questionable move. Punish it and kick the bishop 7 h3. You make the same mistake 7 Bg5 and you let him kick your bishop with 7...h6 and ideally 10...g5, when your bishop is out of play at g3.
11 exd5 you cure his doubled pawn, you give up your central pawn, you let the opportunity slip to kick his bishop with 11 g4 to the passive spot g6
Still 12 g4 to kick the bishop
At that point you were lost. He has the bishop's pair, the center...
It is a 10+0 game and you have only used 2 minutes to get to this lost position.
You played too fast.
22 O-O puts your king away from the center, where it is needed in the endgame. 22 Kd2
Yeah, black missed free a pawn which is huge in a end game.

,For white...queen's are off the board sometimes it's better just to make your king more active towards middle of board. Castling is like moving the king backwards at that point away from the the action.

When the game is open like this, bishops are menacing. Knights not so much but they are good in a quick time format for some tricky forks that can turn the game around in a flash.
A nice way to understand some plans for the winning position in these cases is to turn the engine on an see in a few positions what it considers the critical lines.

I just checked a random position after 22 (where it is simply Bxc2) and saw a plan is Re6 Ra6, which means building pressure on the a file.

Does not really answer the question but I think it can help you understand evaluations/positions better in general.

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