
Difficult Two Knights vs Pawn Puzzle

Can you solve this Difficult Two Knights vs Pawn Puzzle?
I was having trouble with this while going through the practice games. Indeed even the Stockfish engine giving hints can’t complete it. In starting position it says mate in 15, ok great. The engine recommends Ke6 and the computer plays Kf8, wtf now the engine says mate in 31?! If you follow the engine’s recommendations you just go on a goose chase around the board and never mate, seems like this practice game needs a bit of work.

Maybe someone can verify the engine doesn’t help with this puzzle if you follow it’s recs:
Actually I got the mate in 15 with SF‘s help, but strangely it gives the wrong starting moves so I had to find them myself.
For me SF gave me the mate in 15, by pressing the “get a hint” then “see best move”
It also seems like the moves black played weren‘t the hardest ones.
Magnus can't solve this unless he has already checked the solution with the engine.
I was able to mate in 19 by starting with Ng5 then using engine hints, but haven’t found mate in 15
Found a Mate in 20

1. Ng5 Kf8
2. Ng6+ Ke8
3. Kd6 Kd8
4. Ne7 g6
5. Nc6+ Kc8
6. Na5 Kd8
7. Nb7+ Ke8
8. Ke6 Kf8
9. Nd6 Kg7
10. Ndf7 Kg8
11. Nh6+ Kf8
12. Kd7 Kg7
13. Ng4 Kf8
14. Kd8 Kg8
15. Ke8 Kg7
16. Ne6+ Kh7
17. Kf7 Kh8
18. Nf8 g5
19. Nf6 g4
20. Ng6#

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