
Did you ever make 55 inaccuracies in 1 game ?


Well done - thats a great demonstration about the beauty of chess! :-)

Best wishes
@Tangelo777 #13

It's difficult even to make move by a different piece in the hyperbullet game. So it's normal to make 100 premoves in a row by the king instead.

@achja #14

Great game, achja, congradulations!

@achja #15

Thank you very much.

It took a while for me to understand "doggy" thing but it was a great fun finally.

Thanks a lot to the very creative Lichess Developers!

@achja #17

Sometimes such players make a move when there is 1 second left. So some kind of safe premove for your side can be helpful in that case if it is available.

Not breaking the record, but this was not too bad. 45 inaccuracies in one game.
Lol, I wonder why anyone keeps playing games so obviously lost. I prefer to keep my dignity and admit a loss when it's inevitable :)
Failed to break this record, ... again. But 52/0/0, 7 acpl in 107 moves is a close call :-) As a bonus, flagging for time this time.
Omg what is this game of chess or crushingking's frunal??
what is the highest record for mistakes, blunders, and moves played?
@achja (#1)

I saw the Six Knights of the Apocalypse Game by Nakamura before I saw this game, and I was like "clever" when I saw the pawns promoting into knights. The mates feel much better and are way cooler. :P

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