
Analysis for game requested

This was a recent game I played, and I'd like more insight on it.
What is the point of analyzing a blitz game?
Old myths die hard.

Well, I play my regular openings in blitz, typical middlegame plans and the ensuing typical endgames. Long games made short. Even flawless games, but one can usually learn a lot.

Blitz reveals by far more than the myths about it wanna make the people believe.

(sry if I messed it up cause I am not a native, hope you got it.)
как загрузить готовые партии в своей базе партий на lichess ? или нужно самому нажимать все комбинации? и где взять те партии которые мне нужны по названиям Городов и именам Игроков и годам игр которые игрались . Спасибо
например Рети - Эйве (,Роттердам 1920 год)

how do I upload finished games to my lichess batch database ? or do you need to press all the combinations yourself? and where to get the parts I need names of Towns and names of the Players and games are played . Thanks
for example, Reti-Eywe (Rotterdam 1920)

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