
A Nice Kings Indian win.

So my reply as black against 1.d4 has always been the Kings Indian though I sometimes play Grunfeld as I well but Grunfeld is more positional than the KID.In this game my opponent didn't pay any attention to the king side minority attack and got mated rather brutally...and the trademark ..Bxh3 move which is the fantasy of every KID player occured in this game.Also my centipawn loss was very low compared to my other KID games.The KID is so "romantic". Just love it :D
Nice, I play the KID as well. :)

PS: Your opponent obviously had not clue what one „should“ do and what not - in contrast to you ;)
16 Nb5 and 21 Nc3 donates 2 tempi to black.
Yes, white playing Bxf6 in the Kings Indian is a safe indicator that he doesnt know this well :-)
@no_bullet_thanks Yeah ...after h6 the move for white is to retreat the bishop back to e3 I was favourite of Petrosian and that's why it is named after Petrosian...the exchange of the knight for the bishop not only gives black an advantage but also accelerates the kingside attack I guess. :)
@Sarg0n thanks..though I know some few theory of the classical knowledge on other KID systems suck..I have lately trying to cope up with the theory of samisch but it's huge. Also I sometimes play the Kings Gambit ..and it turns out very few players plays soundly after 2..exf4....they either allow me to quickly play d4 by allowing a free tempi or get into serious trouble with their king in the center.
@tpr Not only that his queen was misplaced during the whole game ,,she was like a hundred miles away when the king was getting mated.My opponent probably thought he would queen his a pawn :)
Nice job. I love the KID, and this game is what I would love to play as black.

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