
New direction in the Queen's Gambit Accepted

Another point of view is that 5... c6 essentially transposes into something that rather looks like Slav. The lichess masters database even offers few games (7 since 2000) starting 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. e3 b5 6. a4 Qb6 7. axb5 cxb5, resulting in exactly the same position as in this game after move 7.
If the d4 pawn were not in the way, 7. Nd4 would transpose into a commonly played reti gambit accepted line. Not really seen at master level but quite fun to play :) lots of tactical opportunities
@LampardFan08 said in #4:
> isn't there another course by GM Cheparinov on QGA?

Entirely possible, however, if he doesn't head for the b5 lines against 3. e4, I disregarded his repertoire during my research