@BananaBeaver said in #29:
Thank you!
> 1/ removing the concept of casual games (all should be rated).
I don't think that's very feasible for many reasons. There are just so many more uses for casual games: playing friends, developing bots, experimenting... I highly casual would be removed
> 2/ let bots play in the global pool.
I really like this idea. I think lichess shouldn't punish people for aborting bot games in pool if this was implemented. Like you get punished now if you abort too many human games. And there could be a setting to not get paired against bots altogether. It would be annoying for higher rated players tho, Andrew Tang usually has to sit 5 minutes in pool just to get paired to someone -200 of his rating, with bots all his opponents would be 3000 rated bots XD. Most top players would probably disable that.
Also if you noticed, when I calculated ratings with Ordo, bots weren't underrated anymore, giving people more reason to play them. Also, if lichess were to use Ordo ratings and recalculate them every day, or even every hour... Then sitting on your rating wouldn't work, as ratings can change even if you don't play anything haha