
Embracing Ambition, Letting Go of Expectations

Wieder einmal ein Klasse Artikel, Merci vilmohl, Herr Studer. Ein thematisch passender Gedanke begleitet mich seit einiger Zeit: Frustration sind unerfüllte Erwartungen, also: "lower your expectations - less frustration".
Love it! Never thought of be seeing self-improvement content in lichess of all places
A sentence in your insightful blog post that jumped out at me was: "Have positive encounters with humans and many more."

One of my favorite things about chess clubs is enjoyable socializing; indeed, that is one of the reasons I now far prefer OTB to online chess. Satisfying interactions with other people is part of the holistic chess experience, and I'm glad you brought it up.
I agree, OTB chess is much more fun than just playing online.
You can analyze and make jokes and all kind of stuff...