
The Elegant Cross Pin

the crosspins look elegant. Ive seen example 3 in games so often. Puzzle 3 is Brilliant. Thank you!
This blog settles the question inside my head. @Mcie you are now one of my favorite blog authors. The puzzles and their solutions are very interesting. :)
@Quinjet said in #2:
> the crosspins look elegant. Ive seen example 3 in games so often. Puzzle 3 is Brilliant. Thank you!
@Siddhartha_S said in #3:
> This blog settles the question inside my head. @Mcie you are now one of my favorite blog authors. The puzzles and their solutions are very interesting. :)
@armaanrao said in #4:
> These are such nice positions

oh cheers! thank you thank you much for the support friends! made my day :)
How we can get position from example 2 in real game?
Omg you missed 32. Bg6 for ANOTHER croaa pin and mate in 2 bt pushing the h pawn and the king is trapped! I saw the puzzle and thought that was going to be the answer. I didn't see the rook. But after the rook you can do the bishop cross pin!!! OMG!! I went over it 4 times and don't think I missed anything. Somebody message me telling me I'm wrong or right please
@dafernan said in #7:
> Omg you missed 32. Bg6 for ANOTHER croaa pin and mate in 2 bt pushing the h pawn and the king is trapped! I saw the puzzle and thought that was going to be the answer. I didn't see the rook. But after the rook you can do the bishop cross pin!!! OMG!! I went over it 4 times and don't think I missed anything. Somebody message me telling me I'm wrong or right please

Wow that is SUCH a good find!!
32.Bg6 looks beautiful! black still might able to play 32..Qxf3, 33. h7 Qf7 which be in time to cover the back rank. but still!! White still looks completely winning and if I had the opportunity to play 2 cross pins in same game, oh my!!

well done, very nicely spotted friend!!