Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
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Member since May 8, 2020
Time spent playing: 27 days, 21 hours
Solved 37 tactical puzzles2152116
Played 35 Blitz games186221
Played 1 Rapid game18397
Played 5 moves in 3 correspondence games
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #24 (top 28%) with 25 games in Lichess Liga 8B Team Battle
Played 15 Blitz games184111
Played 7 moves in 4 correspondence games
Joined 1 team
Solved 24 tactical puzzles203658
Played 11 Blitz games183023
Played 4 moves in 4 correspondence games
Solved 58 tactical puzzles197897
Played 22 Blitz games18071
Played 17 moves in 4 correspondence games
Played 16 Blitz games18089
Played 2 moves in 2 correspondence games
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #266 (top 30%) with 16 games in Lichess Bundesliga Team Battle
Played 44 Blitz games179975
Played 1 Rapid game
Played 4 moves in 3 correspondence games