Simple Chess 3. Adorjan - Mukhin, CSR-ch International 1973

Simple Chess game 3: Adorjan - Mukhin, CSR-ch International 1973

Look after your Pawns and your pieces will look after themselves - Micheal Stean

The Game


Unexploited weaknesses. Adorjan's doubled F pawns seem like an obvious target but he pins black's knight with 13. Bg5, starts executing his own plans and they never become more than a theoretical problem.

Misplaced pieces. In order to maintain material equality Murkhin's pieces end up disconnected from the defense of his king. Adorjan converts a pawn structure weakness to bad piece placement.

Bad Bishop. Fixing black's pawns on c5 and e5 completely hems in the black dark squared bishop ends up acting as a glorified pawn while white's dark squared bishop maintains scope of action.