
By MichaelMaggs - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,


Sometimes I like it very much when chess can be made more simple. Especially when there is not very much time to think.

Simplification tactics is one of my favorite tactics, but sometimes without tactics a chess game can be made more simple. In this game I could win the opponent queen on g6 but I would prefer to give the opponent zero counter play. Therefore I searched for other moves, and soon I saw 15.Ng5+ with check.

Now my opponent played 15...Kh6 because 15...Kh8 would be a blunder, as white can take the queen on g6 with check and the rook on f8 would fall as well.
When this position arrived I thought I wanted to use the uncovered position of the black rook on f8.
Therefore I went for 16.Nf5+ to capture the rook and create a threat on h7 and as a side effect it makes the two black pieces on the queen side even more bystanders than they already were.

And only here after capturing the rook I saw I can, instead of winning the queen on h7, simplify to a won endgame.

A bishop and a pawn up, and white is more active.