Played 2 runs of Puzzle Racer
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Steven Ramirez
I Play Chess

Member since Jun 23, 2020
Time spent playing: 29 days, 17 hours
Time featured on TV: 20 minutes
TeamsAjedrez Club InternacionalAjedrez en DIGEF 2020Ajedrez Torneos Rápidos Sub 1800Ajedrez UntelsAmigos Lichess PastoChess Online Tournament StudioCHESS-PEDAS VIPchess24 Türkçe DiscordChessplayersquotes
Club Ajedrez Caballo NegroClub AJEDREZ UNIVERSALClub ArevaloClub Deportivo Jaque MateCLUB PRODIGIOS DE BOBBYClub Virtual Dragones RojosÇorlu Düşün Satranç Evi Spor KulubüDEPREDADORES CHESS CLUBEquipo PerubianoESCOLA ABERTA CELINA VARES ALBORNOZESCUELA DE AJEDREZ V.E.S.FEDERACIÓN DEPORTIVA UNIVERSITARIA DEL PERÚFettarmeeFISU AMERICA CHESS 2021 VARONILFISU AMERICA CHESS 2023 VARONILFuerza AjedrecísticaGolden Castle Chess ClubGOLDEN CHESS CLUB OLHamissauga Chess Clubhuseynovchess1987I TORNEO SUIZO SUB 2200 -LIMA CHESSJaza Gaming TeamJEEN jeunes TOURNOIS EN LIGNELittle Angels High School Chess TeamMASTHANAIAH CHESS WORLDMW Weekly Free TournamentPIALA MONSUN 2020Shirov Chess ClubSpielplatzrabaukenSTRONG ONLY😎😎Ферзь клубTaller Ajedrez UAEMTaller de ajedrez de la UNTELSTeam Perú 2.0Torneo jueves con link Internacional lichess 60+0 puntos.TORNEOS INTERNACIONALES ONLINE ACPACTú y las nubes ajedrezVALERIAV28 TEAM

Played 4 Bullet games21401
Played 2 Blitz games
Played 2 Rapid games
Played 3 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 4 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 11 Bullet games213923
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #156 (top 25%) with 6 games in Eastern Bullet Arena
Played 6 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 4 Bullet games21169
Played 1 Bullet game21076