Solved 2 tactical puzzles17524
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Rafaël Gambart
J’ai des amis comme Ruruh84 ou tonyletigre95. j'adore Minecraft et Pokémon. J’aime le football et Lyon je suis à 1182 de performance FFE
95180 Menucourt France
Member since Sep 13, 2021
Time spent playing: 1 day 7 hours 23 minutes
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Played 1 Bullet game112225
Solved 7 tactical puzzles174818
Played 2 Atomic games
Played 2 Crazyhouse games
Played 2 Three-check games
Played 1 Bullet game109731
Played 1 Horde game
Solved 8 tactical puzzles17309
Played 6 Bullet games112856
Played 5 Crazyhouse games
Played 3 Rapid games
Played 1 Antichess game
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Completed 1 Chess960 correspondence game1 win
Solved 2 tactical puzzles17217
Played 15 Classical games
Played 2 UltraBullet games
Played 1 Bullet game107259
Solved 2 tactical puzzles17147
Played 5 Blitz games1078142
Played 1 Bullet game113175
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #572 (top 72%) with 4 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Solved 17 tactical puzzles170734
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 2 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 37 moves in 1 correspondence game
Solved 38 tactical puzzles167356
Played 2 Horde games
Played 1 Chess960 game924576
Played 1 Blitz game936113
Played 1 Bullet game105669
Played 1 Rapid game102476