
Proof that you are better than chess engines!

ChessAnalysisChess enginePuzzleEndgame
Chess engines are usually better than people in all parts of the game, but there are some positions which can be easy to understand for human but impossible for engine!

Position #1

Here Stockfish thinks that this is winning for black, because black has extra queen, but it is a draw because
black has no breakthrough and exchanging queen for a pawn makes no sense.
Position #2

Here Stockfish tells us that this is winning but even beginners know that this is a draw because h8 square is dark-colored and bishop is light-colored.
Position #3

Here Stockfish shows -3.5, which is usually winning but it is a draw because black can't use their extra piece and bishop defends g2 pawn.
Position #4

Here Stockfish can't see a winning move which is a crazy queen sacrifice Qf6. Black takes the queen Bxf6, we take the bishop gxf6, now Kg8 and we sacrifice our rook to open h-file! Rxh7 Kxh7 and now Rh3 Kg8 and we make Bh6 move and our plan is to checkmate black with Bg7 and Rh8 later and black can't defend!
Position #5

This position was created by Jonathan Penrose who is a professor and GM and he created this position and for those who will understand it - will be allowed to study in his university!
Here Stockfish shows -17 advantage which is completely winning for black but it is a draw because black has no breakthrough!
Some more positions :
Here Hikaru played unexpected Qf7 move and moves like that are usually hard to see for engines and firstly Stockfish doesn't understand this move but later - it can understand.
And one more position from my game :

Here Stockfish can't immediately understand that Rxc4 move is winning but later it can!
Key moments :
1.Material is very important for engines.
2.Engines don't always see unexpected moves.
3.Engines are not always great at closed positions or endgames.
Advice :
Before watching what Stockfish thinks - always think with your own brain!