Completed 1 correspondence game1 win
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My Name Is Vũ Ngọc Minh An
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Hà Nam Vietnam
Member since Jul 3, 2023
Time spent playing: 3 days 20 hours 55 minutes
TeamsAjedrez san luis rc,Câu Lạc Bộ cờ vua châu áChess Center of Excellence Development ProgramChessplayersquotesCity Knights Chess ClubCIUDAD AJEDREZCLB Cờ Vua Yên DũngCờ Vua Quân ĐộicovualogicDGD CHESS CLUBGeneva swissGIẢI ĐẤU ÔN THI HKPĐGiải Luyện tập Chuẩn bị các Kì Thi cờ vuaCLB FCE truongxhongLichess SwissLiveChessMichael Talk chessMIKA CLUBNGHI XUÂN CHESS CLUBSin123Sparring Partner..Testing Your SkillTrần Xuân Khánh ChessTRÍ TUỆ VIỆT NAMtruongxhong
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #15 in 160th Chessplayersquotes Rapid
Joined 1 team
Played 4 Rapid games135813
Completed 1 correspondence game1 loss
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #13 (top 8%) with 3 games in ≤1500 Rapid Arena
Ranked #350 (top 88%) with 1 game in Hourly Rapid Arena
Played 12 Rapid games134516
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #103 (top 55%) with 11 games in London System Arena
Joined 1 team
Played 4 Rapid games136113
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #89 (top 77%) with 4 games in Benko Gambit Arena
Played 3 Rapid games13743
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #86 (top 76%) with 2 games in Trompowsky Attack Arena
Played 13 Rapid games13713
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #68 (top 43%) with 12 games in Dutch Defense Arena