Played 2 Rapid games23281
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my name is Dmitry. I am a children's chess coach and community leader:
And at the moment, for my group, I am looking for a sparring team with which we could conduct regular inter-club online tournaments (for such tournaments we are interested in player ratings of 1000-1400. The ideal time is 15:00 Moscow time.
Member since Jul 8, 2024
Time spent playing: 5 days, 23 hours
Time featured on TV: 4 minutes
TeamsДетская лига Приморского края "Кванториум"Школа "Королевский гамбит" (НД)клуб для всехШШК "Зарайская ладья" (М)ШК Белая ладья г. АрамильСтратегияПрофессиональная шахматная школа Светланы ЧередниченкоТурниры школа "Ход короля"Dmitry Krylov's Chess School. "Сhess trophy" for the best!FoxFireIron_MATDНижний НовгородRapid League InfoUPGRADE SHAXMAT KLUBUДЮСШ "Белая ладья"
Played 3 Rapid games23295
Played 3 Rapid games23242
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