Solved 26 tactical puzzles217314
No note yet
Leonardo José Nhaule
A vida é como um jogo de xadrez, cada momento uma decisão!
Leonardo Nhaule

Member since Aug 25, 2018
Time spent playing: 70 days, 18 hours
Time featured on TV: 8 minutes
TeamsAfricano TeamAssociação de Xadrez da Cidade de MaputoC4CMOZAMBIQUEChess Game ClubChess Latino AmericanoChess war GodsCHESSMENT TEAMCidade de MaputoClube de Xadrez Quadrado Mágico MoçambiqueCoach Alex's Study RoomDiário de Inhambane:DjanGoFederação Moçambicana de XadrezFIDEFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusFMXLiga ChessMacovi Angola InternacionalMACOVI/OPUPE/ALMADAOLIMPIADAS ONLINEQATAR CHESS ASSOCIATIONREAL CHESS FamilyRODAGEMsabadarSelecao InhambaneSOFALA LICHESS EVENTS_TEAM MOZAMBIQUEVeni Vidi Vici GamingXadrez MocambiqueXADREZ PALOP INF AFRICA
Played 10 Bullet games214012
Played 2 Blitz games209410
Played 9 runs of Puzzle Storm
Solved 1 tactical puzzle
Played 1 Bullet game21526
Solved 12 tactical puzzles
Played 6 runs of Puzzle Storm
Played 9 Blitz games21048
Played 1 Bullet game21586
Played 19 Blitz games211216
Played 3 Bullet games21648
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #10 (top 30%) with 18 games in Dia dos Heroes Arena
Played 42 Bullet games217266
Played 15 Blitz games209636
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #42 (top 21%) with 10 games in Lichess Liga 3A Team Battle
Played 6 runs of Puzzle Storm