Game 6 thumbnail

Kingscrusher Graphics Team #1

World Chess Championship 2021 Game 6 || Longest ever World Chess Champ. game

ChessAnalysisTacticsChess PersonalitiesOver the board
"I keep on fighting as long as my opponent can make a mistake.”- Emanuel Lasker

Hi all

Here is my analysis and video for Game 6:

A critical moment where the first major "imbalances" (differences between what you have and what opponent has) are created - Magnus swapping off a bishop for a Knight. Such a transaction is in classic Lasker games and Fischer games where for example the exchange Ruy Lopez has been used with great effect. The key thing for fighters is often to create imbalances in the position and not for example have positions such as the Exchange French Defence which would be dull for both players and spectators alike.

The bishop pair of black departs

Bishops of opposite colour or the "Bishop pair" have the advantage of looking after each other's backs or fundamental blind-spots. Here the bishop pair departs:

The next major episode of imbalance creation - Queen traded for two rooks:

A Queen in general is worth less than two rooks but as the expression goes so often in chess "It all depends" on the position nuances

Move 33 moment - was a forced win missed?

At move 33, it seems Magnus may have missed a sharp forcing continuation with 33.Rcc2 instead of what was played:

A committal "weakness of the last move" point of the game, where Magnus is able to take off Black's passed pawn which was preventing the Rooks from essentially doing anything. LIBERATION for Magnus through an exchange sacrifice. Li-Rooks not LI-Chess :)

A super moment of Rxf7+

A super moment where Rxf7+ was played to get rid of the Queen's "Partner in Nuissance" :

The Lonely Queen phase

The Queen is pretty lonely and the White pawns are connected:

Final position - e7 is unstoppable:

This analysis was used as part of my preparation for the video shown here in this blog. This analysis is very "hot off the press".

Video annotation follows highlighting key moments

Cheers, K

Key Takeaway points

  • Magnus Carlsen is a modern fighter version of Emanuel Lasker - the longest reigning World champion in history
  • "Chess is, above all, a fight" - Lasker
  • Imbalances run through this game from the opening when Magnus Carlsen played Bxf6 swapping a bishop for a knight and changing pawn structure imbalance
  • "Imbalances" are those differences you have from the opponent to try and make use of and prove that your imbalances are more favourable overall to have relative to the Opponent
  • “He who has a slight disadvantage plays more attentively, inventively and more boldly than his antagonist who either takes it easy or aspires after too much. Thus a slight disadvantage is very frequently seen to convert into a good, solid advantage.” - Lasker
  • "A chess game, after all, is a fight in which all possible factors must be made use of, and in which a knowledge of the opponent’s good and bad qualities is of the greatest importance.” - Lasker
  • The creation of imbalances on the chess board is often the sign of a Fighter :)

Hope you enjoyed this blog :). Any likes and follows are really appreciated. Also, I also have some interesting chess courses at to check out.
Cheers, K