
The Ultimate Bullet Chess Interview - Matvey Galchenko (MatthewG-p4p)

Bullet chess interviews with some of the greatest bullet chess players in the world

There is a chance, more people have heard of the lichess nick MatthewG-p4p, than of Matvey Galchenko. And the reason for this, is his astounding bullet mastery on the chess server. But that doesn't mean, he is just a good bullet player.
Step by step, the FIDE Elo rating of the Russian IM is moving towards the 2500 mark, and even more people will recognize his path to becoming a GM one day. At the "Matvey Galchenko Chess School", you can strengthen your chess knowledge, and elevate your tactical expertise.

Tactics are one of his greatest powers, and in bullet and blitz he doesn't need to fear any player in the world. He is a tough opponent against the likes of RebeccaHarris, Mutdpro, Alireza, and even DrNykterstein.

What is the Ultimate Bullet Chess Interview?
In the UBCI we dive right into the questions. No big intro, no chit-chat or small talk, just a bombardment of mostly bullet chess related questions. These questions are randomly chosen from a huge question pool of over 80 questions. Like this, we pump 20-30 interesting questions in just 20-30 minutes!

Some questions:

  • Which mouse model are you using?
  • Rate your strength from 1-10: Speed, Tactics, Chess Knowledge, Bullet Expertise
  • Have you ever had the feeling to be addicted to bullet?
  • What is the thing you dislike the most in bullet?
  • How to get better at bullet chess?
  • etc.

More Ultimate Bullet Chess Interviews are coming up soon.

Are you interested in having an interview like this with me? Kindly let me know!
