
Middlegame Madness: The Backward Thinking - VIDEO

ChessAnalysisStrategyTacticsOver the board
Hey everyone! Today, we're get into a lesser-known, but game-changing tool that you must to know: the Backward Thinking.

It’s not the most talked-about concept in chess, but trust me, once you’ve mastered it, it’ll feel like you’ve unlocked a cheat code for both strategic and tactical positions.

What’s in today’s video?
We’ll explore what Backward Thinking really means and, more importantly, how you can start using it in your games. Whether you’re working through positional struggles or sharp tactical battles, this tool will help you make better decisions.

The Big Takeaway? Backward Thinking flips the script on how you solve problems on the board. Instead of stubbornly forcing your plan through (only to watch it fail), be smarter: start your thinking by working backward from the problem.

In positional games: Identify what’s stopping your plan from working, then figure out how to eliminate the obstacle.
In tactics: Spot a winning combination that doesn’t quite work, then ask, "How can I make their defense impossible?" It’s a whole new way of seeing the board! And to show you how it works in action, I’ll break it down using one of my favorite games!

Stay tuned and get ready to add a whole new dimension to your thinking. This is Backward Thinking at its finest, your new secret weapon!

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