
Deadly Opening Tricks & Gambits: The Philidor Gambit - VIDEO

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VIDEO of my Deadly Opening Traps & Gambits: The Philidor Gambit repertorie.

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Dear Chess Friends,
In this video, I’ll introduce you to the Philidor Gambit, a bold and aggressive opening from my Deadly Opening Tricks & Gambits series.

While this opening is not fully sound, it is far from a meme or joke opening. It’s a serious and playable option that can be a very dangerous weapon in the right hands, especially against an unprepared opponent. These types of openings I call "playable" — they may give the opponent an advantage if they know the best response, but in blitz and rapid games, they can be highly effective.

The model game for this gambit comes from my father, a FIDE Master, who studied the Philidor Gambit long before the computer era. He played it successfully against strong opponents, and I believe it’s a great choice if you're around the same level or lower.

If you want to learn more, including my response to White’s strongest line, you can get the full repertoire in PGN format for just €6.99.
If you enjoyed the video, make sure to follow my channel for more useful content, and don't forget to check me out on Facebook and Instagram as well!️

If you're interested in the full Deadly Opening Traps & Gambits: The Philidor Gambit material, leave me a message or email me at