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Unussual Way To Attack The Caro-Kann
Played in only 1% of the games with second highest win rate out of every response depending on rating range.Hello!
In this post I want to share with you my favorite opening. I have a 58-32% win rate on lichess and an unreal 76-19% win rate on chess.com. It's a completely viable weapon for both online games and tournament play. Plus it punishes Black's most natural moves.
Will this opening work for you?
The opening is very dynamic and leads to many sacrifaces. If you love dynamic play, it's perfect for you. However, if you prefer positional chess, it's not a good choice for. But you can still learn ;)
With all that out of the way, let me show you the good stuff.
Not a trap, not a risky gambit - just a good, off-beat move. By far, Black's most popular response is playing Nxe4 followed by Nd7->Nf6, attacking the queen. After which, I've prepared another rare move, Qf4 played in around 15% of the games.
In this blog I'll cover 2 most popular responses from this position. I'll leave you with a study I created, so if you are interested, you can dive deeper into this opening.
8... e6
Already an inacuracy. White's natural move 9. Bd3 is enough cause problems on the kingside.
8... Bg4-Bh5
It's worth noting that Bg4 is a perfectly fine move for Black ONLY IF they know to drop back to e6 afterwards (which I cover in the study).
But it happens in only 10-15% of the games. Usually, Black makes a mistake on the 9th move with 9... Bh5. The problem is that Black's bishop can be attacked by g4, h4 and the knight that stands on e5. And White has time to play this quiet move, 10. c3 (which I came up OTB, and I'm very proud of that) getting the pawn out of the future attack, when the bishop is kicked to g6.
Bonus game :)
And at the end of this post, I have a chess gem for you. A game played in 1910 by Richard Réti (white) and Savielly Tartakower (black). And yes this is the Tartakower, that this 4... Nf6 opening is named after. Pretty insane.
e5 is a very rare response from Black, but who knows? Maybe you will one day get this stunning checkmate yourself.
Study link: lichess.org/study/sMXicnZ4 (or you can find it on my profile)
Thank you for reading! <3
If you spot any mistakes or want to share your thoughts, feel free to do so in the comments or DM me on lichess. And if you decide to try it out for yourself, please share your games with me. I'd love to see them. Thank you so much again for reading, and have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year.
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