
Search "user:lizani"

128 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - chess books for me#2

How to Cheat at Chess by Hartston, William R., (ISBN: 9780091261115)

General Chess Discussion - I need urgent help regarding a FIDE tournament...pls do help#8

Unless there's a serious reason to quit, like falling ill, of course you should play on. Rating is a statistical measure and the more games you play, the more accurate it will be. If you're quitting o…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for Software for Automatic Evaluation and Commenting of Variations#3

At the chessbase website, if you look at games from current events, you'll often find them with light annotations like 'White is now winning ' or 'The threat is Qg7'. I'm sure these are bot generated.

General Chess Discussion - More cheaters in lichess#13

@MRPDFoot said in #8: > The only people who believe there are not cheaters on the site are cheaters. If I don't see a move within 10 seconds I abort. I can take 10 seconds for a move, usually because …

General Chess Discussion - Cut losses by take some draws#6

The 'Soviet School of Chess' dominated the world for many years and their advice was simple - after a loss, you should aim to stabilise and a quiet draw or two is fine rather than playing too aggressi…

General Chess Discussion - A hyper aggressive opening win. Would love some really good player to tell me if it was solid#3

If hyper aggressive means unsound, sure it's nice. But a stronger opponent would have won as black.

General Chess Discussion - Let's chat about lichess puzzles vs. and share tactic practice resources.#2

I don't do puzzles on, so I cannot say if the ones here are harder. However, I like the fact that they are based on real games. The degree of difficulty increases steadily and once you reach…

General Chess Discussion - Best Way to Improve my Chess#3

The best way to improve is to get someone stronger to go through your games. They'll be able to identify what areas you need to focus on.

General Chess Discussion - Avoid Catalan black keeps pawn#2

Sure, you can play the alternative move order delaying d4. But then Black can play c5 before you play d4 and you'll reach a non Catalan setup closer to the Reti or English. True Catalan devotees are h…

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to force a sharp position against Caro-Kann?#20

@Sendrien said in #12: > It is paramount to reach a sharp position. Also, I regularly play the Blackmar-Diemer in response to the Scandi, so I'm familiar with its dynamics. > > I'm just curious why yo…
