
How 9/11 and 911 emergency services share the same number?

It's mostly coincidental. The only intentional bit is that the terrorists wanted to doo the attack on Tuesday for logistic reasons. Historically, Tuesday's have the lowest amount of passengers on aircrafts so the terrorists would have to control less people on the plane (still didn't end well for 1 of the 3 planes).

On a side note, most countries redirect calls to 911 to the local emergency service number. So if you are in a country and don't know the help line, try calling 911, it will likely go through.
no, 911 is the all-nation emergency code or something like that. they chose 911 because before that, there was a local emergecy code and a state emergency code or something, and if you had an emergency you had to choose between local or state. so the government decided to create a code that wasn't already used that could be used nationwide, which was 911.

from my guess the terrorist attack was on 9/11 to match the emergency code because everyone would most likely call 911 which would somehow match with the day that the attack was on

or they just chose it randomly and had no idea that 9/11 and 911 were similar.
The emergency phone number was there before the 9/11 event. It's just a coincidence.
Overheard in a cave of Afghanistan, early 2001:

Bin Laden: OK, all that's left to decide is WHEN do we do this?

Jeff: Hey Sam, wouldn't it be funny if we did this on 9/11, you know, like the emergency number?

Bin Laden: That's frikkin hilarious, Jeff! Let's make it so. Meeting is adjourned.
the terrorists had strategic reasons for doing the attacks on 9/11. probably.
I thought it was arranged to be on that day to mock the emergency services for not doing enough
Maybe they're like... if we do it on 9/11 every time you have an emergency you'll think of that one time

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