
Bitcoin Chess Tourneys

2 members

Total Prize fund- 365$ Worth Bitcoin {1 USD Bitcoin Entry Free} ( Will increase depended upon entry!)

If You Are Team Leader Contact Me (@ChessGamerPANDA) For Bitcoin Sponsoring Tourney
*Team Need 1000+ Members

Sponsors (special thanks)
@ChessGamerPANDA: 300$
@Techie-ChessGuy: 65$

Tournament Link:

Team Link:

BTC = Bitcoin

1st-100$ BTC
2nd-50$ BTC
3rd-25$ BTC
4th-15$ BTC

Rating Category Prizes (EACH 1 PRIZE):-
*Best 2500 Above-10$ BTC
*Best Below 2400-10$ BTC
*Best Below 2300-10$ BTC
*Best Below 2200-10$ BTC
*Best Below 2100-10$ BTC
*Best Below 2000-10$ BTC
*Best Below 1900-10$ BTC
*Best Below 1700-10$ BTC
*Best Below 1600-10$ BTC
*Best Below 1400-10$ BTC

Lucky Prizes (Lucky winners must play the whole event in order to be eligible)
5$ BTC each to 20th, 27th

If you are interested in donating to this event, please contact @ChessGamerPANDA
Prizes MUST be claimed within 48 hours after the tournament. No later claims will be accepted.
Prizes will be paid within 72 hours after the event. Paid via only by: @ChessGamerPANDA

Please Fill This Google Form:

How To Pay Entry Fee:

Pay Entry Fee {1 USD Bitcoin Entry Free} By,
Freewallet Paying Address: 3BD6buhbKAbY2ZuBsnfnAqhFUWV7qKux79
Freewallet Id: c9c9c9c9c9
Or Contact me (@ChessGamerPANDA)

  1. What is Bitcoin?

I thought I answered it, but I guess I did not. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, basically it's like online cash (or ruppes, or euros, or whatever money you might use). But there are only a finite amount, and nobody controls it! You can send and receive it without anyone else finding out, and the fees are next to nothing! Again, Investopedia tries to answer it here: Think of it like PayPal, except that no one can control how you use your money, and you don't have to give any information to use it!

  1. Why is I using Bitcoin?

I just explained this, but I know you guys never read, so I have to again. In addition to Bitcoin being the way of the future, just like I when it takes over the world, the cost for a Bitcoin Transaction on the Lightning Network is basically nothing, compared to 3.49% +.49 for PayPal!

  1. How do I get Bitcoin? How will I able to receive Bitcoin?

Perhaps the best question! In order to receive prizes in Bitcoin, you will need to download a Bitcoin Wallet or a Bitcoin wallet address! Once you download it you will be able to receive prizes from your digital wallet!

If you use a you will also have cryptocurrency addresses you can receive prizes with paypal

  1. I got a Bitcoin Wallet. Now what?

Now you can receive prizes! If you win a prize, Private Message (PM) your Bitcoin address to me (@ChessGamerPANDA) and I will send you your prize in Bitcoin! No more transaction fees, we are free! If you do not know how to find your Bitcoin address, Google on how to find it. If you still can't, then no fear, I will keep its cryptos stashed in its wallet.

Your Bitcoin address will look like this: 3BD6buhbKAbY2ZuBsnfnAqhFUWV7qKux79 Find it and send it to @ChessGamerPANDA